PRAISE THE LORD PEOPLE OF GOD. I hope and pray that all is well with you. I would like to
apologize for the wrong scripture in the title. But they are now corrected. Saints, do not five
up. continue to trust FATHER. HE will protect you. HE will cover you. And HE will heal you.
Saints, we are in the winter season. And we are in flight. There is one place that we must
run to; and this place is found in Revelation 12:6:
'And the woman FLED into the WILDERNESS, where she hath a place prepared of GOD
that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days' [1260 days].
Saints, we are in those days. FATHER is causing HIS WOMAN I.E. THE CHURCH to flee into
the wilderness to feed them THE WORD of GOD. FATHER is releasing HIS DIVINE
GOVERNMENT into HIS saints. FATHER is preparing HIS CHURCH to fight the spirit of
Leviathan in these last days. FATHER is releasing HIS Judgments into the land, and HE is using HIS SAINTS to administer them also. In the wilderness, FATHER is releasing HIS SPIRITUAL GIFTS unto HIS CHURCH. FATHER is preparing HIS CHURCH to war against Purrhos Drakon and Leviathan. Read Revelation Chapter 12 carefully, and you will find out that the Great Read Dragon is Purrhos Drakon. Purrhos is Leviathan's daddy. Leviathan and Purrhos are workers of Satan. They worship Satan and Satan is their god.
All True Believers must go through their wilderness experience. FATHER is preparing the
Kings of the EAST. FATHER is preparing HIS Two Witnesses Company. FATHER is preparing HIS GATEKEEPERS. FATHER is preparing HIS 144,000 Spiritual Jews. HE is preparing them in the wilderness. They all are coming out of the wilderness Full of Faith and Full of the HOLY
GHOST. It will take Strong Faith to destroy these demons. The 6th Trumpet is SOUNDING. This trumpet will sound for 3 and ½ years. Open up your ears to FATHERS TRUTH! Do it now in JESUS NAME! GOD is calling HIS Saints into the wilderness.
HE is preparing us to Pray and Warfare against these demons during the Battle of Spiritual
Armageddon. This Battle is already going on, and how many of you are prepared for this
Battle? Some of you think that the tribulation has not even started yet. You are greatly
deceived my friend. These teachings are here to open your eyes and to make you spiritually
aware. But Pray Ye that your Flight Be Not in The Winter. Saints, please take a look at Isaiah
"They shall be left together unto the fowls of the mountains. And to the beasts of the
earth: and the fowls shall summer upon them, and all the BEASTS of the earth shall WINTER
upon them."
Saints, we are in the Winter Season, and the Beasts are demonic spirits. We did not flee to
the wilderness because we are scared of Satan. We fled to the wilderness to meet GOD. And
by us meeting GOD, HE has prepared us to fight We Win Saints of GODI We Win Saints of
GODI THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. WE WIN. Another word for Winter is the word Gape, A Chasm, Impassable Interval. This particular wording is found in LUKE 16: 19-31.
Please pay attention to verse 26:
"And beside all this, between us and you there is a great Gulf Fixed: so that they
which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us that would come from thence.'
This is what this verse is all about. There is an Outer Court and there is Abrahams Bosom.
During this Winter Season, many people will be like the rich man in this parable. They will not
make it through this season, and they will be fixed to the Outer Court. FATHER's desire is for
us, HIS CHURCH, to enter into Abrahams Bosom. This place where Abraham and Lazarus are is called the 4th Realm. The rich man was clothed in Purple and Fine Linen. He looked Righteous. He looked like the Royal Priesthood of GOD. Unfortunately, his fine linen was Self
The rich man loved money more than he loved GOD. He trusted in himself rather than
GOD. He looked Saved, but he was not. So it is today. Many people are naming the name of
CHRIST, but they live and dwell in the spirit of Lawlessness. They do not preach or teach the
WORD OF GOD anymore. They have disregarded the Law of the SPIRIT of Life. The rich man
lived Sumptuously. He lived a Brilliant, Luxurious, Splendidly, Radiant and Bright life. The
Greek word for Sumptuously is Lampos. I.E. a fake Lamp, a Fake Light. He looked like a form
of godliness, but he denied the Power of GOD in his life.
For the Fine Linen is the Righteousness of the Saints. [Revelation 19:8] The rich man and
Lazarus cannot come close to each other. In the 4th Realm, Abraham and Lazarus will see
JESUS face to face. The Rich Man will see Satan and his demonic messengers face to face.
During this winter flight, there is going to be a great line of demarcation between the Saints
of GOD and those walking in the Outer Court Realm. While you are still living and breathing
on this earth, come out of the Outer Court. Give your life to JESUS CHRIST. For some of you,
the Outer Court is not your destiny. Move into the things of GOD; don't be like the rich man
living in the outer Court. You are hearing FATHERS WORD now, Move toward JESUS Today.
The winter season is going on right now. It is a lot later than you think. GROW IN GRACE AND
Ira Lee Kirkwood Jr.