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PRAISE THE LORD PEOPLE OF GODI I hope and pray that all is well with you. FATHER LOVES

YOU. Don't you ever forget that. HE LOVES YOU. And FATHER will continue to love you. Abide in FATHERS love.

This verse is a powerful scripture. I hope that you enjoy FATHERS TRUTH. JESUS told HIS

disciples to pray that your flight be not in the winter. Saints, this verse is very spiritual.

FATHER wants you to see this truth for yourself. There is a major reason why HE does not

want you to flee in the winter. You need to see this for yourself. Check out this word winter

in Strong's Greek:

Winter: Greek# 5494: Greek word: CHEIMON; to Pour. This word is also akin to Strong's

Greek # 5490; through the idea of a Channel; A Storm as Pouring Rain. The Rainy Season;

Tempest. Foul Weather: it also means: to Gape; or Yawn; a Chasm or Vacancy. Impassable

Interval. Gulf. To Labor under a Gale. Be Tossed with Tempest.

Saints, do you see this powerful word? The reason why you should pray that your flight is

not in the winter is because of the Storms during the Great Tribulation. There will be a

greater level of Rain and Floods coming during this season. We are in this season right now.

We are in the Great Tribulation right now. To those of you that hear the sayings of JESUS

CHRIST and put them into practice is a wise man that built your house upon the Rock of

CHRIST. The rain descended and the floods came, the winds blew, and beat upon that house,

and it fell not; for it was founded upon the Rock. JESUS is OUR ROCK. [Matthew 7:24, 25).

Unfortunately, during this winter season, there will be many Believers that will not make it

through the Great Tribulation. They refuse to hear and do the Words of JESUS CHRIST. False

teachings entered inside of their lives. They were flooded with the lies of Purrhos Drakon and

they drowned in the flood of deception. Purrhos Drakon is a High Ranking Demon. This

demon attacks the Body of CHRIST. He works for Satan and he worships Satan. Their spiritual

house fell because of the rain and the flood of Satan's deception. [Matthew 7:26, 27:

Revelation 12]. During this spiritual winter, some will depart from the Faith giving heed to

Seducing Spirits and Doctrines of Devils.

To those Saints dedicated to FATHER in Spirit and Truth will not be deceived. They have all

their trust in their Heavenly FATHER. Take note to this truth; Matthew 24: 20, along with

verse 21 goes hand in hand. Another word for winter is Rainy Season. The Rainy Season last

from May-September. A five month period. During this period, satanic activity increases

every single year during these months. I know that we are in the season of the 6th Seal. 6m

Trumpet and 6th Vial series. And during this time, many demonic spirits have been released.

Apollyon and his 200,000 demons are released. [Revelation 9:1-19]. The 4 Horsemen of the

Apocalypse are released. [Revelation 6:1-8; Revelation 9:14, 15]. The demonic spirits

Batrachos are released. [Revelation 16:13]. Just to name a few. They all work, worship and

live for Satan. During the Rainy Season, there will be a flood of Tempest in the land. These

tempest are people according to the scriptures. I Peter 2:17-22 talks about them. These are

Wells without Water. They have no WORD in them nor do they have the HOLY SPIRIT inside

of them. They no longer belong unto FATHER. They are Clouds that are carried with a

Tempest. They always stir up trouble. They live to blaspheme and discredit Our FATHER.

Raging waves of the sea foaming out their shame.

They speak great swelling words of vanity. They allow Leviathan to speak through them.

They promise you liberty, but they are the Servants of Corruption. They are corrupt inside

and outside. During this winter season, their body, soul and spirit are vacant. According to

Jude, verse 12, they are CLOUDS without WATER. Empty Vessels. No power, sensual, and

having not the Spirit of GOD. During this Rainy season, many people that started off strong in

the faith will be Tossed to and Fro, carried about with every Wind of Doctrine. Their

conscience are seared with a hot iron. Their minds are cauterized because of sin. Pray that

your flight be not in the winter.

Another definition to this word winter is GALE. This word means a Very Strong Wind. It

also means to Howl, Roar and Scream. First of all, who will be doing the howling and the

screaming? The answer is this: Demonic Spirits and Demonic People. They will howl and

scream for Satan. Why? Because our Adversary the Devil as a Roaring Lion, walketh about,

seeking whom he may devour. [I Peter 5:8]. Our job saints are to stay Sober and Vigilant unto

GOD. We must not allow the Gale Force Winds to destroy us. This Gale Wind in the spirit is a

very STRONG WIND of DECEPTION! If it were possible, the Very Elect would be deceived. It is

not possible because our minds are stayed upon JESUS. This is why we have to maintain the

seal of GOD in our forehead.

During this Rainy Season, there will be Foul Weather. The Pharisees and the Sadducees

could discern the natural weather, but they could not discern the Sign of the Times.

[Matthew 16:1-4]. We are in the days of Foul Weather. If you have no discernment, ten you

are unskillful in the WORD of Righteousness. Grow in GRACE and in the Knowledge of JESUS



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