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The Battle of Armageddon Through The Life of Jesus - Part 1


PRAISE THE LORD PEOPLE OF GOD! I hope and pray that all is well with you and your family. FATHER LOVES YOU! And JESUS is coming soon. Please continue in GOD; do not forsake HIM. For HE will never forsake you. We must continue to keep our minds on the LORD. Allow HIM to be LORD and MASTER of your lives.

JESUS had HIS own Armageddon encounter. For the Battle of Armageddon is a SPIRITUAL BATTLE! In these last days, JESUS, HIS WARFARE ANGELS, and HIS WARFARE SAINTS, will do battle during Armageddon. Let me show you in the Gospels that JESUS received the Victory against Satan and his demonic spirits. The Battle of Armageddon will start at the blowing of the 6th Trumpet, 6th Seal, and the 6th Vial Judgment. Please put on your spiritual glasses to see this truth in JESUS NAME. Please take a look at Matthew 4:1-1-11; pay close attention to verse 3:

And when the tempter came to HIM, he said, If thou be the SON of GOD, command that these stones be made bread.’

JESUS was led of the Spirit to go into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. HE fasted forty days and forty nights. And this tempter came to HIM saying If HE be the SON of GOD; first thing first, JESUS is the SON of GOD; and JESUS is GOD. However, JESUS spoke the WORD of GOD against the tempter. [Verse 4]. Thus speaking the truth from Deuteronomy 8:3. I want to find out who was this tempter mentioned here. Let us look at his name in the Greek; Strong’s number 3988; Greek word: Peirazo; this word means to Test; Endeavor; Scrutinize; Entice; Examine; number 3984; through the idea of PIERCING.

This demon is a piercing demon. And this demon knows the WORD of GOD. [Verse 6]. But this demon has the ability to quote and twist scriptures. For he is a Piercing demon. And the WORD of GOD IS SHARPER THAN ANY TWOEDGED SWORD, Piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit.’ [Hebrews 4: 12; part of verse]. There is another piercing demon in the scriptures. Let us take a look at a very particular verse: Isaiah 27:1:

In that day, the LORD with HIS GREAT and STRONG SWORD shall punish Leviathan the PIERCING serpent, even Leviathan that crooked serpent; and HE shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.’

There you have it Saints of GOD; Leviathan is a piercing serpent and a crooked serpent. He partners with Python. And he was in the wilderness tempting JESUS CHRIST. Not only was Leviathan there, but there were many other demons in the wilderness. This verse says that JESUS will punish Leviathan with a Great and Strong Sword. What Sword will HE be using? This Sword is recorded in the Book of Ephesians 6:17: the SWORD of the SPIRIT, which is THE WORD of GOD. JESUS will use HIS WORD to destroy Leviathan; and HIS SPIRIT will destroy Leviathan. The LORD will consume Leviathan with the SPIRIT of HIS MOUTH. [II Thessalonians 2:8]. JESUS defeated Leviathan in the wilderness with the WORD of GOD; out of JESUS MOUTH goeth a sharp SWORD, that with it HE should smite the nations; and HE shall rule them with a rod of iron. [Revelation 19:15]. JESUS was the first one to go through the Battle of Armageddon; and JESUS was Victorious against Satan and his demonic spirits.

JESUS defeated those demons in the wilderness with HIS WORD, and JESUS will continue to defeat those demons with HIS WORD during the season of the Battle of Armageddon; at the 6th Trumpet. The tempter, Leviathan, took JESUS to an exceeding high mountain, and he showed JESUS all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; and this demon also said that he will give JESUS all these things, if HE would only fall down and worship him. [Matthew 4: 8-10]. Isn’t this something, there is another verse that deals with worship: [Revelation 13: 4-8]; look at verse 4:

‘And they WORSHIPPED the dragon which gave power unto the Beast: and they WORSHIPPED the Beast, saying, who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?’

The people-nations worshipped Purrhos Drakon and they worshipped Leviathan. All demonic spirits worship Satan; and they are loyal to Satan; for he is their lord, god and master. Leviathan is the beast that wants to be worshipped; and he wanted JESUS to worship him also; but JESUS told Leviathan to GET THEE HENCE! For it is written in the WORD of GOD that thou shalt WORSHIP the LORD thy GOD, and HIM ONLY shalt thou serve! {Matthew 4:10]. JESUS defeated Satan and Leviathan in the wilderness. JESUS spoke HIS WORD against them! And JESUS won this SPIRITUAL BATTLE! At first, JESUS was led by the HOLY SPIRIT to go into the wilderness; but when this battle was over, JESUS came out the wilderness in the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT! [Luke 4:14].

The kings of the east will be led by the Spirit of GOD to travel to Mystery Babylon during the Battle of Armageddon. They will be used greatly by FATHER to warfare against Satan and his demons over there; but they shall be victorious, FULL of the POWER of the SPIRIT; and FULL of THE WORD of GOD! [Revelation 16:12[. The kings of the east are prepared to go to the great river Euphrates; and the waters will be dried up. The 6th Angel is getting ready to poor out his vial real soon. Be ready and Be prepared! GROW IN GRACE AND IN THE POWER OF JESUS CHRIST.


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