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The Battle of Armageddon Through The Life of Jesus - Part 2



PRAISE THE LORD SAINTS OF GOD! I hope that all is well with you. Saints, please continue to be encouraged. We must continue to pray for one another. Do not lose hope. JESUS is coming soon. HIS return is just around the corner. JESUS is coming to be Glorified in HIS SAINTS. [II Thessalonians 1:10]. FATHER wants us to be ready for HIS return. Keep your lamps burning bright. Make a stand, stand up for what is right. Keep the Love of JESUS always on your mind; and be ready when JESUS comes. This is what I hear tonight. These are some of the lyrics from the gospel group Commissioned, WILL YOU BE READY? And to GOD BE THE GLORY!

Saints, please take a look at Mark 1:13: ‘And HE was there in the wilderness forty days tempted of Satan; and was with the Wild Beasts; and the angels ministered unto HIM.’

This will be a short teaching. JESUS was tempted by those demons 40 days. The number 40 means Trials, Probation and Testing’s. Saints, if JESUS was tested in the wilderness, we, HIS SAINTS, must go through testing’s also. The CHURCH must, and will go through much trials. We are in the season of trials and testing’s right now. This truth is documented in Revelation 12:10-17. This is not a cake walk. Those who live godly must suffer persecution. The woman and her remnant, which is the CHURCH, overcame Satan by the blood of the LAMB, and by the word of their testimony.

There were wild beasts in the wilderness while JESUS was being tempted by the devil. This word Beasts is the Greek word THERION; Strong’s number 2342: a dangerous animal; Venomous Beast; a wild animal; hunting; destruction; trap. Saints, I submit to you that these wild beasts were not just animals, but these wild beasts were demonic spirits. There were beasts that were documented in Daniel Chapter 7 and Revelation Chapter 13; not only are there demonic spirits, but there are demonic animals also. You can check this out in Revelation 18:2. The beast from the sea were there in the wilderness. And their names are Shachal, Belan, Pohal, and Leviathan. The influence of Apollyon was there in the wilderness also.

Shachal tries to put your mind in Shackles. Belan causes division in the BODY of CHRIST; and he causes division in marriages. Pohal is the demon that causes people to lose their minds; thus causing multiple personalities in people; his mouth speaks much profanity. And Leviathan instills fear and intimidation unto people; he blasphemes GOD on every level; this Leviathan is an antichrist demon. He is a wannabe messiah; spurious messiah. These four beast were in the wilderness tempting JESUS. There were venomous creatures in the wilderness. One on the creatures was Python. This demon is called by Satan to usher in the spirit of witchcraft. JESUS was being attacked on every side by these demonic spirits. Nevertheless, JESUS was Victorious through it ALL! Also, Python is full of venom; but this demon has help; he partners with Hydra and Serptiel also. Many demonic spirits were in the wilderness. These demons are pernicious by nature. Many false prophets and false teachers have denied the LORD that bought them; and many shall follow their Pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. [II Peter 2:3]. These demonic spirits have influenced many people; but they could not influence JESUS to go astray. JESUS kept speaking THE WORD, IT IS WRITTEN, IT IS WRITTEN, IT IS WRITTEN!! We must do and say the same thing in our wilderness experience, IT IS WRITTEN!! STAND ON THE WORD OF GOD AND WE SHALL BE VICTORIOUS THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD!

JESUS had HIS own Spiritual Armageddon; but when the testing’s were over, HIS ANGELS ministered unto HIM. They came to HIS aid. And when HIS trials were over, HE came out the wilderness FULL of THE HOLY GHOST! [Luke 4:14]. When your testing’s and trials are over, you shall come out of the wilderness FULL of THE HOLY GHOST!

‘For in that HE, HIMSELF hath suffered being TEMPTED, HE is ABLE to SUCCOUR THEM that are TEMPTED.’ [HEBREWS 2:18].

JESUS will reveal HIMSELF to you. You will receive divine revelation and insight once you come out of the wilderness. I am done with this teaching; desire the truth of FATHERS WORD. GROW IN GRACE AND IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST.


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