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The Great Falling Away through the life of JESUS CHRIST


PRAISE THE LORD PEOPLE OF GOD! I hope that you are maturing in FATHERS WORD. I pray that you are seeking HIS FACE. In HIS FACE, the presence of GOD is manifested. We must seek HIM while it is Day. And HE will reveal HIMSELF unto you. Receive HIM with open arms. Embrace HIS TRUTH, and say yes to HIS WILL. It is not about us, but it is all about HIM.

In these last days, the WORD says that some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. [I Timothy 4:1, 2]. We are living in those days. Not only is this happening now, but this happened in the days of JESUS. Let us seek HIS TRUTH. [John 6:66:

‘From that Many of his disciples WENT BACK, and walked no more with him.’

What was the amount of the disciples that WENT BACK? The answer is MANY. In this particular chapter, JESUS was talking about HIS FLESH and HIS BLOOD. JESUS said that we must eat HIS flesh and drink HIS BLOOD. And when these disciples heard this teaching, they were offended. They were looking at JESUS sayings in the flesh, but JESUS was speaking in the spirit. I can tell you that this is spiritual because of John 6:63. The disciples that went back thought that JESUS was talking about cannibalism. They had become natural, fleshy, sensual, having not the Spirit of GOD.

These disciples went back because they were offended and they started to murmur. [John 6:61]. Saints, please do not become offended; being offended will cause you to stumble away from GOD. I will say this today, we must eat JESUS flesh and we must drink HIS blood. The Healing and Redemptive Blood of JESUS CHRIST will nourish our Body, Soul, and Spirit. HIS flesh is our meat and HIS meat is THE WORD of GOD. JESUS flesh is that Bread that came down from Heaven. JESUS meat is THE WORD of GOD. When we eat JESUS flesh, we have Eternal Life. If we don’t eat HIS meat and drink HIS blood, we have no life inside of us.

JESUS knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray HIM. [John 6:64]. These disciples went back because JESUS flesh and HIS blood was not inside of them. They went back and walked no more with HIM. ‘No man, having put his hands to the plough, and LOOKING BACK, I.E. WENT BACK, is fit for the Kingdom of GOD. [Luke 9:62]. When they walked away, they were no longer fit for the Masters use. They no longer had access to the Kingdom of GOD. They walked away from JESUS CHRIST. We must continue to Plough in HIS Kingdom. We must work while it is day. We cannot turn back now because JESUS is coming soon!

These disciples stopped walking in the spirit, they started living in the flesh. They turned their backs on GOD; they walked away from eternal life. There is another falling away in the scriptures. II Thessalonians 2:3: ‘Let no man deceive you by any means: for except there come a FALLING AWAY FIRST, and that man of Sin be revealed, the son of perdition.’ The falling away is here today in 2016. Many Believers have walked away from FATHER. They have been tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. Many have followed the ways of false teachers and false prophets today; thus taking their hands off the plough.

Many have given themselves over to the Man of Sin. They have allowed him to enter inside of their temple; and he has taken a seat inside of many believers. This man of Sin sat inside of Judas Iscariot. JESUS had many encounters with this man of Sin in HIS day. There are preachers today speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron. Not just in America, but overseas as well. Let no man deceive you. We are in the days of deception; and we must guard ourselves with prayer and the WORD of GOD.

This man of Sin is Leviathan. He has caused man to sin for many years. He is not too concerned with unbelievers; but he wants to sit inside the temples of GOD; for we are the temple of the Holy Ghost. [I Corinthians 6:19, 20]. Leviathan wants to taint the saints and corrupt the saints. He was able to enter Judas because Judas loved money, and he made money his god. There are preachers today that preach the WORD for money; and that money has become their god. And they have taken their hands off the plough. GOD is not pleased with this type of behavior. We are not called by GOD to go back, but we are called by HIM to move forward in the things of GOD.

If you have sinned, and you are still feeling guilty about what you did, get on your knees and repent. Do it today. Do not walk away from FATHER; eat HIS FLESH and drink HIS BLOOD. Forgive yourself and Repent. Do not worship Leviathan, but worship THE LORD JESUS CHRIST! Worship JESUS TODAY! Give your life to JESUS CHRIST. Do it today! We do not have to be those disciples that walked away from JESUS. We will walk with JESUS, keeping our hands on the plough. Being fit for the MASTERS USE. GROW IN GRACE AND IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST.


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