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The Great Red Dragon



PRAISE THE LORD PEOPLE OF GOD! I hope that all is well with you. And I pray that you are moving forward in the things of GOD. I will get back to the 12 tribes, but I would like to share some extra insight from scripture. This morning, I was reading some verses from the book of Revelation; and this insight was revealed to me by the Spirit of GOD. Revelation 12:3:

‘And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a Great Read Dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.’

This creature is a demonic spirit, and his name is Purrhos Drakon. This demon is the father of Leviathan. This demon works for Satan and he was called by Satan. The reason why Purrhos has so many crowns and heads because he was given great authority by Satan and great power. This demon knows the Word of GOD. This demon has been very victorious inside the so called Church; and this demon is one of the persecutors of the Church. This demon walks in the strength of Satan; great strength. And Purrhos Drakon gave his authority to his son Leviathan. [Revelation 13:2]. This demon is called by Satan to persecute and destroy the Body of CHRIST. This demon takes pleasure in attacking mature saints; thus causing them to fall away from the faith.

But the saints of GOD will overcome him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. [Revelation 12:11]. Satan is the accuser of the brethren, and Purrhos Drakon is an accuser of the brethren. This dragon will be cast down unto the earth, and he will be here during the 6th Seal, 6th Trumpet, and the 6th Vial Judgment. He will be here during the Battle of Armageddon. This battle is a spiritual Battle. There will be many other demonic spirits here on the earth, along with Purrhos Drakon. The heavens will rejoice because these demons will not have access to the Passover and Pentecostal Realm. They will no longer be able to harass the Believers of GOD in that region.

But woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea; for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. [Revelation 12:12]. This demon looks like an Alligator, a Snake, and a Dragon. He partners with Leviathan, Python, and Purrhos. [This Purrhos is part of the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse in Revelation 6. The rider on the red horse]. The Battle of Armageddon is right around the corner. In just a few more months the Battle will begin. This serpent-dragon will spew water out of his mouth, so that he may carry her away of the flood. [Revelation 12:15]. The water that Purrhos Drakon carries is a false word, false doctrines by the sleight of men, whereby they lie in wait to deceive. [Ephesians 4:14].

Unfortunately, there will be some Believers that will be carried away with false doctrines. They will walk away from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits. The children, i.e. the immature believers will be deceived by the doctrine of Satan. This is why Purrhos Drakon wear several crowns. He has been deceiving people for thousands of years. We are close to entering the 1290 days in Daniel 12:11. The good news to this teaching is this: FATHER will deliver HIS TRUE SAINTS; HE will deliver them from the flood of lies and deception; because they know the TRUTH of FATHERS WORD. Saints of GOD, we must stay connected to The LORD JESUS CHRIST. This demonic dragon, Purrhos, is angry with the Church; and his job is to make war, spiritual warfare with the Saints of GOD; especially those Saints which keep the Commandments of GOD, and have the testimony of JESUS CHRIST. [Revelation 12: 17].

Saints, do not be afraid! Greater is HE that is in us, than he that is in the world! We win people of GOD! WE WIN! Through JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD! But you must know the truth. There is another scripture that comes to mind: Matthew 24:29:

‘Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the Stars shall Fall from Heaven, and the POWERS of the Heavens shall be SHAKEN. ‘

This verse has nothing to do with the Four Blood Moons. This verse is talking about the Sun and the Moon. The Sun in this verse is JESUS CHRIST; and the Moon in this verse is The Body of Christ. Right before CHRIST return, the Church of GOD will lose their light because they stopped preaching JESUS CHRIST, the SUN of RIGHTEOUSNESS with Healing in HIS WINGS. [Malachi 4:1, 2]. The Powers and the Stars that have been shaken are demonic spirits. This is not talking about literal stars; but these stars are the messengers of Satan; and they will be here during the Battle of Spiritual Armageddon. JESUS, HIS ANGELS, and HIS SAINTS will do battle against Satan and his demonic messengers at the 6th Trumpet. We are at the end of the 5thTrumpet; govern yourselves accordingly.

This word Powers in the Greek is the Greek word Dunamis; which is the same word used regarding the Spirit of GOD; this word deals with the supernatural, miraculous powers, and mighty works. The Holy Spirit is never shaken, but those demonic spirits will be shaken out of their place; and they will be eventually destroyed by the Power of GOD! These demons will be wavered, agitated, toppled, disturb, moved, vibrated and destroyed by the LORD JESUS CHRIST. These demons are evil dogs coming to persecute the Church today. There is another teaching coming soon. GROW IN GRACE AND IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST.


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