Praise The LORD people of GOD. I hope all is well with you. And I pray that you continue to move forward in GOD. These days have been hard for the Saints of GOD. You can see the fall of man before your eyes. I have seen a host of JUDAS Iscariots myself. They have sold their souls to filthy lucre, power and they are full of Pride; thus, giving their minds over to Leviathan. This creature already sits in their temple. I know that you are frustrated; I feel your pain. Please do your best to focus on JESUS CHRIST. FOR HE IS COMING SOON. Please take a look at REVELATION 16:12:
‘And the Sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates, and the water dried up, that the Way of the Kings of the East might be prepared.’
Saints, I just want to point something out to you; China is not the Kings of the East. The Kings of the East are: JESUS CHRIST, HIS Warring Angels and HIS Saints. This text is Spiritual. I have heard and read that the natural Euphrates is drying up; but this water being dried up is Spiritual. In this Iran-Iraq region, demons live and reside there. In this region, this is one of Satan's demonic Headquarters on the earth. He traps the souls of men in this demonic city known as Mystery Babylon. [REVELATION 18:13].
There was a Physical Babylon, and there is a Spiritual Babylon filled and housed with demonic spirits. Satan is the leader of all these demons in this region. They work for him and they worship him.
I have good news for you; the waters of Babylon will be dried up and destroyed soon. Water is symbolic of the Word of GOD and the Spirit of GOD. Demons cannot carry the Word and they can't carry the Holy Spirit. They only carry a false word and a false spirit. They usher this into all the earth. The Kings of the East carry the True Word of GOD and they have the Spirit of GOD. Why? Because our FATHER, JESUS CHRIST IS THE WORD OF GOD AND HE IS THE SPIRIT OF GOD!! HIS WORD WILL DESTROY, DRY UP AND ANNHILATE the false words and false spirits of Satan. FATHER is drying up this river so that HE, HIS WARRING ANGELS, and HIS SAINTS will march into Babylon and HE will destroy all those demonic spirits. Out of JESUS mouth proceeded a SHARP SWORD; and that SWORD is THE WORD OF GOD and THE SPIRIT OF GOD; AND HE WILL SMITE AND DESTROY ALL OF HIS ENEMIES!!! [REVELATION 19:13-15].
Satan thought that he was doing something because he has resided there ever since the fall of Adam and Eve at the Garden of Eden. Satan's reign of terror is coming to an end... It is coming Soon...real Soon...
The Kings of the East will declare THE WORD of GOD against these demonic spirits and they will be destroyed. The Kings of the East have a Leader as well and HE IS THE COMMANDER AND CHIEF. HIS NAME IS CALLED JESUS! AND HE IS THE KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS! WE WIN SAINTS OF GOD!!! WE WIN!!! THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, WE WIN!!! This will be a great and mighty BATTLE! SPIRITUAL WARFARE.
The Kings of the East will preach and declare THE WORD OF GOD to the nations. Some will be converted and some will reject THE WORD OF GOD. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, we wrestle against Principalities, Powers. Rulers of the Darkness of this World, against Spiritual Wickedness in High Places. [EPHESIANS 6:12].
Saints of GOD, in this demonic city, we will be and are Warring against all those demons listed in Ephesians. Many of them reside there. The Kings of the East are PREPARED for WAR! They are PREPARED for BATTLE! They are PREPARED because they are equipped with FATHERS WORD! They are PREPARED because they have on their Warfare Gear! They are PREPARED because they belong to FATHER and FATHER belong to them! Saints, we are Warring against demonic spirits. This is not a game. We must be serious about FATHERS business.
At the end of the last Trump, the 7th seal, the 7th Trumpet and the 7th Vial, JESUS will descend from Heaven; he will be on HIS WHITE HORSE. HE will gather all HIS SAINTS from all over the world, and HE will go to Babylon along with HIS WARRING ANGELS. And HE will smite and destroy all those demons that reside there and he will demonstrate HIS MIGHTY POWER showing to all that HE IS LORD, GOD AND MASTER OF ALL!! All of you that are against JESUS CHRIST WILL NEVER DEFEAT HIM. HE IS ALWAYS VICTORIOUS AND HE ALWAYS WIN!! YOU WILL NEVER DEFEAT HIM SATAN!! YOU ARE ALREADY DEFEATED!! GROW IN HIS GRACE AND GROW IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST.