PRAISE THE LORD PEOPLE OF GOD! How are you doing? I pray that you are doing well.
Saints, a few days ago, I was reading a teaching from a Pastor and Teacher named Bill Britton;
and as I was reading his teaching, that teaching inspired me to go back and search the
scriptures again about the kings of the east and the kings of the earth. There is more spiritual
insight in the scriptures about this event. I truly believe that FATHER wants me to share this
teaching with you today. I hope that you are blessed by this teaching in JESUS NAME. Saints
of GOD, please take a look at REVELATION 16:12:
'And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water
thereof was dried up, that the way of the KINGS of the EAST might be prepared.'
Who are the Kings of the East? I do know that the Kings of the East is not China. I hear
preachers on television say that all the time; but the Kings of the East is not the nation of
China. As some of you already know, I have taught on this verse before; but the Kings of the
East are comprised of: FATHER, and they who fights or warfare along with FATHER. They are
SPIRITUAL WARRIORS; and the WARRING ANGELS of GOD are the Kings of the East. There are 1,000,000 Warfare Angels of GOD strictly for Spiritual Warfare around the world. There is
always Spiritual Warfare happening around the world at any given time.
The Kings of the East will be conducting SPIRITUAL WARFARE in the MYSTERY BABYLON
region. This is a SPIRITUAL BATTLE! This Mystery Babylon is located in the Iran-Iraq region.
This is one of the places where many demonic spirits dwell. Demons like deserts or deserted
regions. These demons conjugate in this city to plan their evil throughout the world. The
Kings of the East will do battle against the kings of the earth in Mystery Babylon. This
SPIRITUAL BATTLE is called THE BATTLE of that GREAT DAY of GOD ALMIGHTY.[REVELATION 16:14]. Some of you know this battle as the Battle of ARMAGEDDON. People of GOD, please do not be DECEIVED. The BATTLE of ARMAGEDDON is a SPIRITUAL BATTLE! Stop listening to these so called Prophecy teachers that is telling you that this is a natural war. This battle is a SPIRITUAL WAR!
This battle happens at the SOUNDING of the SIXTH TRUMPET. This battle is not a one-time
battle, but this battle is a SERIES of BATTLES. We shall have more than one encounter with
the kings of the earth. The kings of the earth are demonic. The kings of the earth are demonic
spirits. Their job is to defeat JESUS and HIS Kings of the East; but they will not defeat OUR
LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. JESUS WILL DESTROY THE KINGS OF THE EARTH WITH THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT THAT PROCEEDETH OUT OF HIS MOUTH! WE WIN SAINTS OF GOD! WE WIN! The kings of the earth are highly carnal, demonic, and full of EVIL. They are very WICKED in NATURE! These kings of the earth work for Satan. They belong to Satan; and they only answer to Satan. Satan is their lord, god and master. There are people, tongues, and nations that have joined forces with Satan; thus becoming members of the kings of the earth. Saints, this is the type of teaching that we need to know. We must not become Spiritually
Complacent. We must be about our FATHERS BUSINESS. AMEN SOMEBODY. FATHER has not called me to ITCH YOUR EARS; but HE has called me and sent me to PREACH HIS TRUTH; take HEED to FATHERS CALL and take HEED to HIS TRUTH. FATHERS TRUTH IS MARCHING ON! GLORY BE TO GOD! Saints of THE MOST HIGH, open your Spiritual Eyes to SEE what FATHER has to show you: Please go with me to DANIEL 7:3 and DANIEL 7:17:
[3]. 'And FOUR GREAT BEASTS came up from the Sea, diverse from one another.'
[17]. These GREAT BEASTS, which are FOUR KINGS, which shall ARISE out of the EARTH.'
These four beasts that PROPHET DANIEL saw were not kingdoms, but the beasts that
DANIEL saw were DEMONIC SPIRITS; and these demons are here today in 2015. These beasts were called kings in this chapter. They are called kings because they are PRINCIPALITY DEMONS. I.E. CHIEF DEMONS. These are the kings of the earth we will be going against in battle. They will be partakers in the BATTLE OF SPIRITUAL ARMAGEDDON! These are the kings of the earth. These demons are usually assigned to kingdoms, nations, people, and languages. All four of these demons are ANTICHRIST DEMONS; and all FOUR of these DEMONIC BEAST have a name; and their names are: SHACHAL, BELAN, POHAL, and
LEVIATHAN. WE NEED TO KNOW WHO OUR ENEMIES ARE. Last, but not least, there is
another demonic king mentioned in the WORD of GOD. His name is recorded in REVELATION
'And they had a KING over them, which is the angel of the Bottomless Pit, whose name
in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.'
There are the FIVE demonic kings mentioned in FATHERS SCRIPTURES. Abaddon-Apollyon
is already released upon the earth, so that he can Wreak HAVOC around the world. This
demon is a king of the earth; and he will be present during the Battle of SPIRITUAL ARMAGEDDON. HERE IS THE GOOD NEWS: when this Battle is over, look at this message in
DANIEL 7:18:
'But the SAINTS of THE MOST HIGH shall take the KINGDOM, and POSSESS the