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PRAISE THE LORD PEOPLE OF GOD! I hope that all is well with you. I really enjoy teaching FATHERS WORD. For HIS WORD IS AMAZING! Saints of GOD, I would like to reiterate what was said the other day: Please continue to PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST over your families. Continue to Cover your love ones with THE REDEMPTIVE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST! FOR HE IS GOD AND HE WILL NOT SHARE HIS GLORY WITH NO MAN! Either we will say yes to FATHERS DIVINE GOVERNMENT, or we will experience FATHERS DIVINE JUDGMENT. Please say yes to the Will of GOD! This is not the time to walk away from GOD, but TODAY if you hear HIS VOICE, harden not your heart. If you have run away from FATHER, please RUN back to HIM ASAP! This is a message to THE CHURCH! We must BE THE CHURCH, not play Church! The LORD is trying to get our attention! For HE IS GOD! Don’t take your hands off the plough, keep on ploughing in JESUS. We have work to do for FATHERS KINGDOM.

In the last teaching, JESUS said that HE will come as a thief; and he also said that ‘Blessed is he that watcheth for HIM, and keepeth HIS garments. [Revelation 16:15]. JESUS also said that if we are not watching and keeping our garments, we will walk around naked and with shame; but there is another additional insight to this powerful scripture. Please turn your Bibles to Revelation 3:17:

[17]. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and NAKED:

Saints, JESUS is talking to HIS CHURCH. This Church is going around saying how financially rich and prosperous they are; sounds familiar? This church is bragging about how much wealth they have; they don’t have any lack. Sounds familiar? This church is more concerned about pleasing their flesh. Sounds familiar? We hear this being said all of the time from preachers today, but JESUS said that this church is WRETCHED; this church is in distress; this church is bogged down in sin; this church is toiling and working hard for the wages of sin; this church has weights on them. This church is pitiful, but they say that they are rich. This church say that their goods are increased, but JESUS said that this church is MISERABLE; this church is unhappy because they enjoy pleasures of sin more than GOD; this church is in adequate because they stopped equipping the saints to mature; this church lacks compassion because they say that they are RICH, and have need of nothing! This church is pitiable. This church is BLIND; they are spiritually blind, lacking the spirit of DISCERNMENT; this church cannot see right from wrong anymore; this church cannot see the things that pertain to the Kingdom of GOD anymore; they stopped being born from above; they stopped seeking the Kingdom of Heaven and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS; this church did not even know that they were POOR. JESUS said, ‘BLESSED are the POOR in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.’[Matthew 5:3]. This church stopped walking in humility, and they started walking in the spirit of PRIDE; being led by leviathan; but this church continued to say that they are increased with goods.

Saints of GOD, without further adieu, I present to you the name of this church. This is the church of the LAODICEANS; this church is very PREVALENT today! We are in the Laodicean AGE; this is the church that was neither hot nor cold; this is the church that became LUKEWARM; there was a time when this church was on fire for GOD; two apostles wrote epistles or letters to this church; the apostle Paul and the apostle John. Please read Colossians 2:1; 4:13-16; this church knew about the mysteries of GOD; this church heard the TRUTH of GODS WORD. The lusts of the eyes, the lusts of the flesh, and the pride of life became their gods. This church received the Revelation of Jesus Christ, and they still became lukewarm. Saints of GOD, when you become lukewarm, you will become spiritually naked and spiritually blind. The churches of today have become lukewarm; if you are lukewarm, GOD WILL VOMIT YOU OUT OF HIS MOUTH! A lukewarm saint will compromise THE WORD, HIS FAITH, and HIS COMMITMENT to GOD at the drop of a hat. A lukewarm saint will grab hold to any wind of doctrine; a lukewarm saint will have the itching ears syndrome; they will heap to themselves teachers that will cater to their flesh. But JESUS SAID THAT HE WILL SPUE YOU OUT OF HIS MOUTH! This church QUENCHED the SPIRIT of GOD; this church WATERED DOWN THE WORD OF GOD! A lukewarm church is TEPID; when you are tepid, you LACK ENTHUSIASM. When you lack enthusiasm for Prayer, you are LUKEWARM; when you lack enthusiasm toward the THINGS of GOD, you have become LUKEWARM. When you lack enthusiasm toward Hearing, Reading, Seeking, and Studying GODS WORD, you are LUKEWARM. When you stop seeking JESUS CHRIST, you have become LUKEWARM.

Some of you reading these teachings have become LUKEWARM, but there is a remedy; and the remedy is in REVELATION 3:19: REPENT!!! REPENT!!! Turn from your wicked ways and REPENT! Behold, JESUS is STANDING at your DOOR, and HE IS KNOCKING! If ANY MAN or WOMAN HEARS JESUS VOICE CALLING THEM, OPEN THE DOOR and LET HIM INSIDE YOUR DOOR! If you let JESUS IN, HE will COME IN TO YOU, and JESUS will SUP WITH YOU, and you will SUP WITH HIM! Don’t turn a DEAF EAR to this teaching, but to HIM that hath an EAR, please HEAR what the SPIRIT of THE LORD is saying to HIS CHURCH! I am not done with this teaching. GROW IN GRACE AND IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST.



New Jerusalem

From Above

"but ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living GOD, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels..."

- Hebrews 12:22







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