PRAISE THE LORD PEOPLE OF GOD! I hope that all is well with you, and I pray that FATHERS WORD is drawing you close to HIM. I also pray that we are keeping our focus. Looking unto JESUS the Author and Finisher of our FAITH. Do not allow what you see to deter your walk with your Heavenly FATHER. HIS name is JESUS! I Work for HIM. I Worship HIM. JESUS is my LORD. JESUS is my GOD. And JESUS is my MASTER. JESUS IS MY EMPLOYER!! And I give HIM All the Praise, Honor and Glory!! JESUS IS WORTHY TO BE PRAISED!! I had to get this off my chest, and if you didn’t know, now you know. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!
We did a teaching the other day about the Unforgivable, Unpardonable Sin. And we discussed how the Sons of GOD intertwined with women on the earth and produced demonic children. Now let us move onto the rest of this truth. I want you to see the demons that were behind this Abomination. Please look at REVELATION 9:1-11; pay close attention to verse 8:
‘And they had HAIR as the HAIR of WOMEN, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.’
These demonic creatures have hair like Women. They are SHAPE shifting demons. They run fast into the minds of people, influencing and possessing them to change their sexual organs, to transgender themselves. These fallen angels’ punishment was to be changed to look like locusts. They are not Locusts. They are Demonic Spirits. These demons are Warfare Demons. And they have a King over them. His Name in the HEBREW language is ABADDON; in the GREEK language His Name is APOLLYON. [REVELATION 9:11].
People of GOD, the demons in Revelation Chapter 9 are the demons that are the Influencers and the Possessors of the TRANSGENDER MOVEMENT. These are the same demons that were talked about in GENESIS 6:1-4. These were the Sons of GOD that raped and married women to produce Demonic Children called GIANTS. There is more than one demon. There are a total of 200 thousand demons that are under Apollyon demonic army. [REVELATION 9: 16]. The Transgender spirit is not only prevalent in America. This movement is prevalent overseas as well, especially in the Asian community as well. Thailand is very known for having Transgender people.
The entire agenda is for you to change your sexual identity so that you will never be able to be SAVED, SANCTIFIEND and DELIVERED by the Power of GOD. This is why the Apostle Paul told Women to keep their Heads covered because of the Angels. [REVELATION 11:10]. Paul was talking about the same demons that I am talking about today. Keep the Power of GOD over your Heads Women. Because if you don’t, these creatures will try to attack you. Yes, these demons can have sex with women, and they are still getting women pregnant today. Their Names are Apollyon, Leviathan and Python. For these are Principality Demons, and they could attack women on this earth. Let me put out this Disclaimer; these demons work for SATAN. All these demons worship SATAN.
And SATAN have given these NASTY, VILE creatures authority to rape women. And another thing Saints, Apollyon is not sitting in the Bottomless Pit anymore, he has been released for over several years now. Can’t you see that he is released? Look at your social media. Look at YOU TUBE. Look at TIK TOK. Look at your Local News, International news; and you will see how prevalent Apollyon and its 200, 000 army is operating across all the Continents where humans are living. The 200 thousand Army is not the Chinese Army. These are DEMONS!! And they have fallen from Heaven.
They had a sex change operation as well. Satan authorized them to have sex with the women of GENESIS 6 to corrupt the Bloodline. But thank THE LORD that HE raised up NOAH and his Generation to keep the Pedigree pure. Because Apollyon was trying to corrupt the entirety of MANKIND!!! If you are tempted to change your sexual orientation, please DO NOT DO IT!!! GO TO FATHER RIGHT NOW and GIVE YOUR LIFE TO JESUS!! HE WILL SAVE YOU AND HE WILL PROTECT YOU!!! They attack those that don’t have the SEAL of GOD in their FOREHEADS... [REVELATION 9:4-6].
These demons perform horrific acts during the months of MAY through SEPTEMBER. I.E. FIVE MONTHS...150 DAYS... Sounds Familiar? [REVELATION 9:5]. These demons from the Pit are more Vicious and Eviler than the other demons. This Demon Apollyon has Strong Influence on Python and Leviathan. When he was in the Pit, they could hear him, and he encouraged them to do evil. Now he is released, they are all partnering together to proclaim WAR on Mankind.
This teaching is not written to scare you SAINTS of the HIGHEST. This teaching is to PREPARE you for what is here and for what is coming upon the Earth. For this is the CALLING of THE GATEKEEPERS OF GOD!! This is not a fear doctrine. For OUR GOD hath not given us the Spirit of FEAR, but OUR FATHER has given us Power, and of Love, and of a SOUND MIND, [II TIMOTHY 1:7]. DO NOT BE AFRAID OF THESE CREATURES BECAUSE WE WIN, WE WIN, THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, WE WIN!!! More good news:
It will not be long SAINTS OF GOD. JESUS IS GOING TO DESTROY ALL THESE DEMONS THAT I HAVE MENTIONED IN THIS TEACHING! They will be locked up in PRISON for 1000 years. They will be released for a Season. And before their release, the 1st Resurrection Saints will already be living inside their Spiritual Bodies. After the LAKE of FIRE teachings, they will be JUDGED and they will be COMPLETELY DESTROYED, COMPLETELY OBLITERATED, AND COMPLETELY ANNIHILATED THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD!!! I can’t wait for JESUS RETURN!! This is going to be a VICTORIOUS EVENT for the SAINTS OF GOD!!! You will see that we are on the WINNING TEAM, THE WINNING SIDE!!!