PRAISE THE LORD PEOPLE OF GOD. We hope and pray that you are doing well. We pray that you are maturing in the Things of GOD. Oh, what a MIGHTY GOD we serve!! HE is LORD, GOD, and KING. FOR HE IS WORTHY OF ALL THE PRAISE! Saints of GOD, please continue to pray and study your WORD. Get to know HIM, and HE will reveal HIMSELF unto you. We must seek the LORD because HE is coming soon. JESUS is Coming for HIS CHURCH, and we must be Prepared to meet The LORD in the AIR. Let us look into the Scriptures and seek more of HIS TRUTH. Please take a look at PHILIPPIANS 3:10: [part of verse]:
“That I may know HIM, and the POWER of HIS RESURRECTION.’
Saints of GOD, I was in my car and I was in prayer with FATHER, then I said in prayer that I want to know you in the POWER of your RESURRECTION. And I also said that I want to know you in the POWER of your ASCENSION as well. Some of you know what the Apostolic Order of JESUS CHRIST IS: The DEATH, BURIAL, RESURRECTION, and ASCENCION of HIM. I have heard people talk about the first three, but they don’t even touch the subject matter of JESUS ASCENSION. I would like to share with you what happened during JESUS ASCENSION. Please take a look at EPHESIANS 2:6:
‘And hath RAISED US up TOGETHER, and made us SIT TOGETHER in HEAVENLY places in CHRIST.’
JESUS has made some of HIS Saints to sit in Heavenly places. This is a by product of HIS ASCENSION. Not all Saints are able to sit, but HE raised up HIS 4th REALM Saints to sit in this place. The 4th REALM is not for all Believers Because so many Believers of CHRIST are spiritually stuck, spiritually stagnant, at the Death, Burial and Resurrection of JESUS CHRIST. They made a choice to be comfortable in the Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacle Realm of GOD. There is so much more to FATHERS TRUTH, but many of us refused to grow Higher inside the Things of GOD. Don’t be comfortable serving FATHER once every three months; serve HIM continually, so that HE can reveal HIMSELF to you. Do you want to see another truth? Please take a look at REVELATION 1:6:
“And hath made us KINGS and PRIESTS unto GOD and HIS FATHER, to HIM be GLORY and DOMINION FOREVER and EVER.’
This is a 4th REALM TEACHING. The 4th REALM SAINTS are the Kings and Priests of FATHER. They will do great exploits during the Season of the 1st RESURRECTION. They are the Kings of the East. [REVELATION 16:12]. They shall be Named the PRIESTS of the LORD; men shall call you the MINISTERS of our GOD. [ISAIAH 61:6]. The 4th REALM Saints will be living inside their Spiritual Bodies and they shall Minister to mankind on the earth, and shall Minister to FATHER in HEAVEN. Please read the entire chapter of EZEKIEL 44. The Sons and Daughters of ZADOK will be in their SPIRITUAL BODIES. They will Preach and Teach the WORD of GOD to mankind and family.
‘Blessed and Holy is he that hath part in the FIRST RESURRECTION: on such the SECOND DEATH hath no POWER, but they shall be PRIESTS of GOD and of CHRIST, and shall REIGN with HIM a THOUSAND YEARS.’ [REVELATION 20:6].
These 4th REALM SAINTS will REIGN with JESUS CHRIST for 1000 years. They will partner with FATHERS ANGELS, and they will be teaching the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST for 1000 years. The LAKE of FIRE teachings will go forth. This LAKE is not for everyone, but some will have an opportunity to partake in hearing the WORD of GOD. Some will reject the Teachings of THE LORD, and they that reject HIM will be destroyed in the Second Phase of the LAKE of FIRE. Receive FATHERS TRUTH Now! Don’t brush FATHER off! Please ACCEPT HIM NOW!! IN JESUS NAME. AMEN. This is knowing HIM in the POWER of HIS ASCENSION. Take a look at this verse: HEBREWS 12:23, 24:
‘To the GENERAL ASSEMBLY and CHURCH of the FIRSTBORN, which are WRITTEN in HEAVEN, and to GOD the JUDGE of ALL, and to the SPIRITS of JUST MEN made PERFECT.’ [part of verse].
Saints of GOD, there is a CHURCH in HEAVEN, and their names are written in the BOOK of LIFE. JESUS is THE GOD and JUDGE of this GENERAL ASSEMBLY. And HE is the LORD over the Spirits of the JUST MEN made PERFECT. These Just Men are Women of GOD as well. In CHRIST, there are neither MALE nor FEMALE. In this ASSEMBLY, there are women that were Preachers on this earth; and those women are in the 4th REALM. These are the 4th REALMS SAINTS made PERFECT. These Saints are Complete, Accomplished, and Consecrated in GOD. They are of FULL AGE in the THINGS of GOD. [HEBREWS 5:11-14].